Aviation Heritage events—2019
Here are major events scheduled by our partners in the National Aviation Heritage Area in 2019. We will update this list as new events are scheduled, changed or canceled. This list doesn’t include the many monthly and regular programs by our partners, so be sure to check their websites to see what they have coming up!
Updated August 5, 2019
August 9 (Friday)—Runway Fest, Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport, Miami Twp.
Aug 16-18 (Friday-Sunday)—International Harvester Scout Show, Historic WACO Field, Troy.
Aug 17 (Saturday)—Aviation Trail Inc.’s 2019 Trailblazer Award and ice cream social, Armstrong Air and Space Museum, Wapakoneta.
Aug 17-18 (Saturday-Sunday)—Mid-Eastern Regional Fly-in (MERFI), Historic Grimes Field Airport, Urbana, Ohio.
Aug 19 (Sunday)—National Aviation Day. Aviators Tour, Historic Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum, Dayton.
Aug 30-Sep 1 (Friday-Sunday)—Giant Scale Radio Control RC Model Aircraft Air Show, National Museum of the U. S. Air Force.
Sep 13-14 (Friday-Saturday)—Grimes Flying Lab Oktoberfest/homecoming. Historic Grimes Field Airport, Urbana, Ohio.
Sep 20-22 (Friday-Sunday)—WACO Fly-in, Historic WACO Field, Troy.
Sep 27-28 (Saturday)—National Aviation Hall of Fame Enshrinement (Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum, Denver, Colo.)
Oct 4-5 (Friday-Saturday)—Annual Balloon Fest, Historic Grimes Field Airport, Urbana, Ohio.
October 5 (Saturday—Make it Dayton Festival, Carillon Historical Park, Dayton.
October 5 (Saturday)—Festival of Flight, inaugural community event at Wright State University.
Nov 1 (Friday)—Night at the Air Force Museum, National Museum of the U. S. Air Force.
Dec 17 (Tuesday)—116th First Flight Anniversary Ceremony, Wright Brothers Memorial, Wright-Patterson AFB.